Renting an apartment in Amsterdam

Finding the right house in Amsterdam is not easy and can be challenging if you don’t want the pay the highest price. There are 3 options that you can look for: private rentals, public housing and buying a property. Unless you want to stay longer than 5 years, renting would be your best option. There are two main rental markets in Amsterdam: the private sector and public housing. The biggest market is the private sector and there you have the best chances to get a good apartment within a reasonable timeframe.

Finding an apartment online

Finding apartment AmsterdamThe easiest way to get an apartment is via social contacts, but if this is not an option, searching online is your next best option. A couple of websites allow you to search for an apartment with more detail (size, rent, district etc.) than other websites. is for example one of those websites. Their main advantage over other websites is that they offer the website in English (right top corner), which makes it easier to understand and to navigate through the website. A similar website is This website offers mostly student accommodations and is well known among Dutch students. Moreover, Housing Anywhere is an interesting website if you are interested in renting a room from locals in Amsterdam. Tip: if you land on a Dutch website that offers rooms and does not offer the option to switch to English, make a right mouse-click anywhere on the page. A small dropdown menu will appear and then it will say; “translate this page to English” (or any other language). This will make it better understandable and easier for you to make the right decision! When you have found the right apartment you can apply online. If you are lucky, you will be invited at a viewing appointment.

There are a couple of tips we can give you in order to make your apartment hunt more successful.

  • Be friendly, make eye contact and be polite (a proper handshake never killed anybody)
  • Dress accordingly. You don’t have to show up in a suit of course, but it is important to show op well-dressed so you look reliable.
  • Be enthusiastic about the apartment. Talk to the owner about how lovely you think the apartment looks and that you could see yourself sitting there someday.
  • Print your personal information and hand it in before you leave.

Your personal information should include

  • Resume, including your contact data
  • Copy of your working contract
  • Bank income statements from the last 3 months
  • If you don’t have a proper bank income statement you should bring a statement from a guarantor.

With these tips you will have a good chance of getting the apartment you want. Searching for an apartment can be a painfully slow process sometimes so it would be smart if you would start in time. It can be frustrating if you don’t get the apartment you want, but keep your head up. Go outside and enjoy this beautiful city, tomorrow is another day!